QT Magnetic Solutions offers the industry's leading custom-designed magnets and magnetic assemblies. From consultation to design, production and assembly, QT Magnetic Solutions can handle every phase of your project.
QT Magnetic Solutions has state of the art production and fabrication facilities. We have the capacity to handle the smallest prototype project to full scale production runs of whatever size, shape or material your application requires. We can turn your idea or concept into reality in a matter of days.
QT Magnetic Solutions assembly capabilities are limitless. We are magnetic assembly experts. It is important to understand that working with magnets can be challenging and often physically dangerous for your employees that do not have our years of experience. By utilizing the most modern methods, our can-do attitude, and our established reputation for industry leading quality workmanship, we identify solutions to your product's assembly requirements. Complicated or simple - magnetrons, couplings, dipoles or anything else magnetic - we deliver your product, on time and exactly as specified.
Contact us to learn how we can economically and efficiently deliver your magnet assembly.